Generate a 3D FFT for NVIDIA GPU

This SPIRAL script will generate a 3D FFT of size 64^3 designed to take advantage of the parallel processing cababilities of a GPU.


conf := LocalConfig.fftx.confGPU();

szcube := [ 64, 64, 64 ];

d := Length(szcube);
name := "mddft"::StringInt(d)::"d_"::StringInt(szcube[1])::ApplyFunc(ConcatenationString, List(Drop(szcube, 1), s->"x"::StringInt(s)));
PrintLine("mddft-cuda: d = ", d, " cube = ", szcube, "Name prefix = ", name, ";\t\t##PICKME##");

t := TFCall(TRC(MDDFT(szcube, 1)),
            rec(fname := name, params := []));

opts := conf.getOpts(t);
tt := opts.tagIt(t);

c := opts.fftxGen(tt);
PrintTo(name::".cu", opts.prettyPrint(c));